Digital Marketing Leaders Summit Conference Sri Lanka
DigiSriLanka 2019 Digital Marketing Conference & Exhibition will take place April 3rd to 5th, 2019 at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall at Sri Lanka .It’s the one digital marketing event you can’t afford to miss! Whether your goal is to reinforce customer loyalty, improve lead generation, increase sales, or drive stronger consumer engagement, DigiSriLanka 2019’s agenda will help attendees enhance their marketing efforts. Sessions will focus on building traffic, expanding brand awareness, improving customer service and gaining insight into today’s latest digital tools.
Who’s Attending
USA and Sri Lankan Innovators, senior marketers in Brandix and other main branders, entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka, digital executives sri lanka and Web Development professionals in sri lanka, web & mobile strategists, designers and seo companies in sri lanka , business leaders, business developers, agency executives and their teams and anyone else who operates in the digital community will attend to learn and leverage digital, mobile, and social media marketing.
Previous Attendees